
Home > Laboratory

We have a pathology laboratory for examination and analysis of blood, urine, stool and body fluids. Our laboratory has got equipment and instruments for basic blood tests and has also got a facility for referral of the advanced tests. This way our patient needs to get his/her sample collection at our laboratory and we get their reports, without letting our patients travel long distances for the lab tests.


We perform around 100 laboratory tests per day. Our laboratory technicians are trained and experienced in performing laboratory tests.


Tests offered at our laboratory are as follows:



–          Complete Blood Count

–          General Blood Picture

–          Smear for Malarial parasite

–          BT, CT

–          Blood grouping and Rh

–          ESR



–          Blood sugar – fasting, PP and Random

–          Lipid profile

–          Blood Urea and Serum Creatinine

–          Liver function tests

–          Se Electrolytes

–          Se Calcium

–          Se Uric acid




–          Urine routine

–          Urine for Bile salt & pigment

–          Urine Pregnancy test

–          Stool routine examination

–          Semen analysis

–          Pleural, Ascitic and Cerebro-spinal fluid analysis



–          WIDAL

–          VDRL

–          Rapid tests for HIV, HBsAg


Tests referred to another laboratory:

  • – Thyroid profile – TSH only
  • – Se Prolactin
  • – TORCH
  • – Triple marker test (AFP, HCG & E2)
  • – HbA1c
  • – TB Gold test
  • – Urine for culture and sensitivity
  • – Pus culture
  • – Vit A
  • – Vit D
  • – Se Calcium
  • – Complete blood profile